Monday, December 12, 2011

Slideshows Should be Shows that Slide

Refreshing an entire webpage just to load one new picture is as frustrating as a grocery cart with one bad wheel.  I was meandering through the internets today when I found a very average article, something like "41 great holiday gifts for under $100." Curious and dumb like a fly approaching a bug zapper, I opened the article to see the first of the 41 great holiday gifts.  Under the picture was a play button, as if the website might utilize "slideshow" technology, a revolutionary idea that surfaced in the late 1960s.  "Mmmm... slideshow" I thought to myself with glee.  But apparently 50 years was not long enough to master the fine craft of showing slides, as the website refreshed each and every time the "slideshow" automatically continued.  The cojones they had to put "fast" as a slideshow option is dumbfounding because there was no fast way to load the dozens of ads and text lines in the sidebars of this website.  Sure you can slide the bar, but you're basically choosing between placid and stagnant. It would be like reading a book but you have to flip the page every sentence.  And you can't immediately change the page, that would be too convenient.  Instead you have to give it a few courtesy seconds, at which time you question why the heck you're looking at a stupid list like that in the first place.  
Shit is unacceptable.

Edit: Found this on Reddit, very relevant:

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